AMERICAN AUTHORS LIVE!! | Get ready to be happy

We covered American Authors during their tour stop at the Cat’s Cradle in Carrboro in NC on 1/18/20

Photo by Chris Sturk

I think it was over a year ago I got the chance to see American Authors perform when they opened for a band in Raleigh.  I don’t remember the band they opened for, but I do remember American Authors.  I did not get the chance to cover them at that time, but I knew when they came back around f28 had to cover their set.  American Authors have been a band for over 10+ years and most people will know them for their huge hit called “Best day of my life”.    The band also has some major fan favorites such as “Believer”, “Go Big or Go home” which is one of my favorites and “I’m born to run” plus many more.   The band continues to tour and released their third record called “Seasons” in 2019.   

You will see a partial video of them performing their song “Amen” to the excited fans during their tour stop at the Cat’s Cradle in NC.  Trying to capture the fan interaction through pictures can sometimes be difficult so we wanted to show you the energy the band brought to the venue.  It was exciting, energized and just a lot of fun. 

(Disclaimer. This video is not monetized and is set to private. Only people on this blog can see this video. All copyrights of music are to American Authors. This video is for merely example purposes to give fans an example of there fun and engaging performance.)

Cats Cradle in Carrboro NC 1/18/20

So, lets talk about the show.
I arrived at the Cat’s Cradle in downtown Carrboro NC a little earlier than I normally do for shows because they’re was a great band called “Public” supporting American Authors and their co-headlining tour buddies Magic Giant.  We will talk more about Magic Giant in another post.  After I showed my credentials, I was given my pass and walked in.  You could already see people getting excited about the night ahead.  The venue was packed as you can probably see in the video we shared above.  Music fans were energetic, excited and ready to have a good-time.  While I was waiting for “Public” to hit the stage I went over to their merch booth and purchased a CD and mingled with a few fans.  I then walked up to the front of the stage and the lights went dim. 

Photo by Chris Sturk | Lead singer of Public John Vaughn

The crowd started yelling as “Public” walked on stage and waved hello to the crowd.  Now I will be perfectly honest, I had never seen “Public” live before, so this was going to be an honest first-time experience.  I have heard of “Public’s” music before with their big hit song called “Make you Mine” which by the way has over 394K likes on their YouTube channel.   The band started into their first song and already brought the energy of the venue up to full throttle.  The stage at the Cat’s Cradle is not that big but they made the most out of it.  The band made sure they interacted with the fans with even at one point jumping into the crowd to sing along with them during one of their songs.  The fans loved it and were so engaged in the band’s performance.  They sounded clear, clean and I could not see any major issues during their performance.  The band made it loud and clear that they were happy to be there and put on a great performance.  They are a band I look forward to hearing more of in the future and seeing them on tour again. 

Photo by Chris Sturk | Public band members John Vaughn, Matt Alvarado and Ben Lapps

Photo by Chris Sturk


Photo by Chris Sturk

After “Public’s” performance American Authors came out on stage.  Lead singer Zac Barnett came out and greeted the crowd with fellow band mates James Adam (lead guitar), Dave Rublin (bass guitar) and Matt Sanchez (drums).  Now I unfortunately did not get a good view of or any photographs of Matt Sanchez due to the way the stage was set up, but he did play great.  As the band started to perform, they were exuding a very fun, positive and happy energy that I could see the fans embracing.    Zac, Dave and Adam were moving all around the stage standing on boxes, giving high fives to all the fans they could reach, and Zac did at one point get jump off the stage and mix in with the crowd during a song.  The fans were jumping around, dancing, screaming with excitement and loving every second American Authors were on stage.  American Authors bring a certain feeling to their shows.  It is hard to explain but, the best way I could put it is that you feel like everything is going to be ok when they perform, and you will get better or things will get better for you.  It is a positive and happy feeling.   American Authors sounded great and were extremely fun to watch and listen to.  The band made you feel like you were special and important and a part of their music family.  I recommend seeing them during their tour in 2020.  You will be uncontrollably happy and smiling without even knowing it, I promise.   

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk. Both Headliners American Authors and Magic Giant sharing the stage