This picture was not taken by or any of it’s photographers | Photographer unknown

This picture was not taken by or any of it’s photographers | Photographer unknown

The world lost one of its most beloved and respected guitar masters on October 6th 2020. Edward Lodewijk Van Halen or better known as Eddie Van Halen passed away after a long battle with cancer. Eddie was not only one of the most adored and respected guitar players on earth but he was also a producer, writer, songwriter and one of the co-founding members of the band that bared his last name, Van Halen.

The band Van Halen inspired so many up and coming bands with their unique and undeniable sound of rock and roll that many have tried to emulate but all have failed. Millions of young guitar players including myself were introduced to the enchanting six string because of Eddies incredibly fluid yet tactical and addictive playing style. We all wanted to play like Eddie Van Halen.

I remember growing up in Billerica Massachusetts a town outside of Boston, I would listen to the radio on my deep red colored boombox waiting in anticipation to hear the DJ say “alright folks, up next is the song that keeps on giving, Van Halen’s very own hot for teacher, turn your radio up!”. I would get so excited when I heard that opening guitar riff and would just started swaying my head playing air guitar. The song was released in 1984 off of their album called Van Halen 1984. There were so many incredible songs off that album but that was my first introduction into the incredible world of Van Halen.

Van Halen was founded in 1972 and featured Alex Van Halen, David Lee Roth, Mark Stone and of course Eddie Van Halen. The band went through several changes over the years with David Lee Roth leaving in the mid 80’s and Sammy Hagar taking over as the lead singer but the one thing that remained was the incredible talent and guitar work done by Eddie. Each album the band put out always showcased the undeniable guitar legends sound and his unique blend of poetic and almost opera like guitar solos with fast pace intricate tempos that made you jump up and start playing air guitar.

When I was a young guitar player there were a few guitarists that inspired me and really encouraged me to keep learning and that was Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Stone Gossard, Jerry Cantrell and of course Eddie Van Halen. When I got my first guitar I would play Van Halen tapes from my boombox and listen to albums like 5150, Van Halen II, OU812 and For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Each album gave you this different perspective on Eddies guitar playing and each time I listened to the songs I would get inspired and want to pick up the guitar and just start playing and creating. I also remember hearing “Eruption” for the first time and…. holy crap!

Years later I would still be a fan of the band even through their ups and downs and line up changes because again the one thing that remained was Eddies undeniable guitar sound and writing. When I got into my 20’s photography took over as my creative outlet and the guitar slowly slipped into the background. I think it was because I couldn’t play the epic guitar solos just like Eddie. ;) Eddie was an important musical icon to me as a kid growing up so when over 20 years later I got the opportunity to not only see Van Halen perform live but to photograph them I jumped at the chance.

I remember when I found out I got the approval to cover their show and the excitement that engulfed every part of me. I think I even made a YouTube video of it for my channel, I will have to find that. Anyway, I was excited to say the least. Then after weeks of excitement and anticipation the show had arrived. It was August 9th 2015 and they were performing at the Walnut Creek Amphitheater in Raleigh NC. I remember driving to the venue and I could not stop smiling. I was about to see one of my all time favorite bands perform live but more importantly see one of the most influential guitarists of my life perform on stage! I arrived at the venue and got my media pass and met up with the rest of the photographers. We all waited in the VIP area as the crowd of fans start pouring into the venue. All of us photographers were excited and talking about how Van Halen had inspired us or how Eddie Van Halen’s guitar playing made us want to play guitar. It was just a very happy environment. After Kenny Wayne Sheppard finished his set we were told to get ready to move. Our guide for the show brought us down to the soundboard which is about 10 rows away from the stage. We unfortunately did not get permission for pit access but we did not care, we were just excited to be there! We then got our gear out and found our spots and got ready for Van Halen to walk on stage. The air was quiet but you could feel the excitement from the 10,000 + people waiting. Then all of a sudden the lights kick on and out walks Eddie Van Halen and David Lee Roth. The crowd exploded with wild cheers and fist pumps into the air. I remember focusing my eyes on Eddie and just wanting to see how he played those incredible solos. The band started in with the song “Light up the Sky” then kicked into some other early classic hits. I remember looking over at some of my other photography buddies just smiling from ear to ear. They played “Hot for Teacher”, “Panama”, “Jump”, “Running with the Devil” and many others.

Eddie Van Halen was not only one of the main reasons for me picking up the guitar but was also a huge inspiration to me while learning about how beautiful and amazing this six string instrument is and how you can express yourself on so many levels with just a guitar pick and your imagination.

Thank you Eddie Van Halen for inspiring me as a young kid and giving me the confidence to be creative, experimental and showing me that when playing the guitar your imagination is most exciting and creative tool you have and to not let anyone tell you otherwise.

May the guitar gods greet you with open arms. RIP Eddie Van Halen

~ Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk 09-09-2015

Photo by Chris Sturk 09-09-2015

Photo by Chris Sturk 09-09-2015

Photo by Chris Sturk 09-09-2015