Photo by Chris Sturk

If anyone thought metal was dead and gone has apparently been living under a rock.  Metal is still alive and well and one band is making it known by spreading their brand of metal to the masses.  Outliar is the sort of metal band that literally melts your face off and causes uncontrollable head banging that has been known to turn up the happy gene in your body.   I got the chance to talk with Ray the lead guitarist and backing vocals of the band and meet the other guys as well.  They were all very generous with their time and wanted to meet each fan and embraced everyone.  The band released their album “Taste the Blood” in 2018 and are doing a special re-recorded or basically an updated release of some of their classic songs on an E.P called “Thrashing the Vault” for 2020.  This E.P is currently out now and can be purchased on their website and all digital media platforms.   

Photo by Chris Sturk

Outliar has a very energetic stage presence and it is very palpable.  Lead singer Anthony Graham perfectly embodies clear and powerful metal vocals.  His vocal performance brings me back to the metal days of the late 80’s and early 90’s with his strong vocal performance.   His vocal performance is a blend of Phil Anselmo (Pantera) and Robb Flynn (Machine Head) which is an incredible vocal duo so Anthony definitely has the vocal chops!  To compliment Anthony’s vocals, you need to have a strong band behind the voice and Outliar succeeds in that department as well.  With incredible guitar work by Ray J. Currie and Rick Ace you will find yourself either jumping around in the pit or standing in one spot headbanging until your head falls off.  With the creative metal riffs, solo’s and chord progression these two come up with, you won’t be able to stand still.  Both Ray and Rick bring deep and powerful riffs to the table not only on their studio recordings but also to their live performances.  Bassist Cisco Rivera enhances the guitar work by Ray and Rick with his passionately energetic stage performance as well as his steady and controlled bass style that holds and brings each riff together and keeps it fluid and heavy.  Then you have the one holding it all together with his chaotically controlled, head slamming, cymbal crashing, time-controlled drum riffs the Mr. Adam Hancock.  He was phenomenal during his performance, drummers can either make or break a live set and he definitely brought the heat during Outliars performance making it one of the best of the night.   

Photo by Chris Sturk

The band as a whole complements each other and really do give metal fans an incredible example of what metal is all about.   Check out the videos below to see for yourself.  If you are a metal fan then Outliar needs to be added to your list of bands to see live.  You won’t only get a strong and engaging performance you will also hear some incredible songs that will make any metal head happy.   

~ Lead Photographer Chris Sturk 

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk

Photo by Chris Sturk


