Christina Holmes | The Beautiful Struggle
New Jersey-born and Rhode Island-based Singer/Songwriter Christina Holmes released her third
studio album on May 31st 2019 called , “THE BEAUTIFUL STRUGGLE” on Cove House Records. Within
24 hours The Beautiful Struggle has skyrocketed the 13th position on iTunes’ Singer/Songwriter
Chart. Christina weaves the realities of life’s struggles and the beautiful joys of growth into her song’s
heartfelt lyrics, vocals, and moving combinations of the guitar, bass, piano, and djembe (A djembe or jembe is a rope-tuned skin-covered goblet drum played with bare hands, originally from West Africa.)
Christina’s music is music of the soul and heart, music that forces you to listen intently and dream wildly
about your own life.
“Life can be hard sometimes and I want everyone to know that even when there is a lot of bad going on in their life or the world, they can always find the beauty in everything”
Her message is filled with life’s challenges, love, and growth. The albums songs seem to be a logical progression that shares her message of life’s challenges, love, and growth. The lead track “Rise” attempts to break down barriers, ensure that hate is gone and to rise past all this together. Christina brings out the truths of our world with her calm vocals, guitar and Djembe.
Her creative writing and musical message continues with many other soulful stories such as; “Grow Up”,
“Addictions”, asking to “Never Let me go”, and that “Everyone Knows”.
The title track, “A Beautiful Struggle” is either the high point of the story or the low point
of the story depending on the listener, but certainly a turning point in the story of the “struggles of
life”. The uplifting lyrics and vocals certainly transition at this point of the album to a very positive
vibe. The balance of the album continually changes it’s pace and feel with each song. Christina continues to deliver her message but as a teacher rather than a seeker of life’s truths. These stories allow us
to project our lives and find our challenges, love and growth.
Christina kicks of her summer tour for 2019 and can be seen at the dates below. Check out her website for current and update concert dates near your area!
June 8th Pyro Art and Music Festival in Warren, Ohio
Capital Pride Festival June 9 th ,
Ziontific Festival June 14th ,
GreenRoots Festival June 15th ,
Project Earth Festival June 22nd ,
Salmon Fest August 2nd ,
Shangri-li Festival August 31 st
Vibe High Festival September 6th .
Review by Neil Peek
Contributing Editor