JD Eicher Live! | Lincoln Theater

We covered singer songwriter JD Eicher on 11/11/2017 in Raleigh NC at the Lincoln Theater.  I will be honest, I was unfamiliar with his work until I saw him open for Sister Hazel.  I wanted to give him his own blog post because his music really resonated with me and I think it deserves it's own post.  JD Eicher's music has a grounded, beautifully mixed acoustic sound with a touch of melodic harmony that can give your ears a poetic listening experience.   I met JD when photographing Sister Hazel and photographed him before the show started.  He was running through his sound check and I was at the venue early getting ready to photograph the concert.  I introduced myself and and asked if I could photograph him while is does sound check; he said sure!  

While he was running through his sound check he was strum a few riffs and sing melodic notes to just check the mic settings.  I heard something that caught my ear and seemed to resonate with me.   I was then really interested to see what kind of music he would be performing.  After they checked everything I talked with JD about areas he is ok with me photographing.  He gave permission to photograph him from the back of the stage so I could get the crowd in the shot.  When I go into any concert photography situation I always have an idea of what kind of photographs I want to capture, so I was glad he said it was ok because that was a photograph I wanted to capture!  We talked a little more about where they are from, his music and my photography.  It is great to talk with the musicians you are photographing to get an idea of who they are so you can capture with photographs the best representation of their musical style.   

After his set I was able to show some of the photographs I took of him to him and he really liked them.  I then talked and exchanged information and he gave me one of his CD's to listen to.  To be honest, I have had it on repeat almost the entire day today!  So I definitely would recommend buying his record and checking him out live.  I hope I will be able to keep in touch and photograph him again the future.   Check out the links below to see his music, I also added a video down below!