Covering Bronze Radio Return | With Interview

Bronze Radio Return

I got the opportunity to photograph and interview Bronze Radio Return during their tour stop in Carborro NC at the Cat’s Cradle. This show was sold out and I talked with them while their team was setting up. I talked with the guys about their beginnings, influences and musical inspiration in the video interview so I am not going to go over that in this post. You can check out the video below for the full interview. What I do want to go over is the experience I had when watching them play live.

I first heard of them when YouTube put one of their videos in my video feed. The song “Further On” started playing through my speakers and I was hooked on the song by the first riff. The song made me want to just bounce my head and body with its addictive rhythmic tone and beat throughout the song. The lyrical context of the song was also something I really enjoyed. Lead vocalist Chris Henderson has a voice that is unique and blends with their writing style perfectly.

The band includes

The show was sold out at the Cat’s Cradle and before the doors opened I took a peak outside to see how long the line was. Lets just say I could not see the end of the line because it wrapped around the building. I saw fans of all different ages and life experiences come together to listen and enjoy Bronze Radio Return. There show was full of energy, enthusiasm, passion and emotion as well as a lot of fun. I hung out with the guys back stage as they were getting ready to walk out and perform. I noticed their concentration was sharp and dedicated to making sure they put on the best show they could. The band was almost like a sports team getting ready to entertain the masses. I unfortunately did not get any pictures of this due to the dark lighting but it was cool to see them preparing to walk on stage. The band is one of the most uniquely creative bands I have ever had the pleasure of talking with and getting to know. If you have not experienced Bronze Radio Return I would definitely suggest for you to check out their music and also see them live. Their show is energized and just a fun experience. They have a new album coming out February 22nd 2019 which will be available on all music sharing websites, stores and also on their website. So check the links below to get your copy of their past records and look to get the new release coming out this month!

Click to enlarge

Bronze Radio Return New Album


All photographs are copyrighted by and Chris Sturk.