We covered Shakey Graves rescheduled tour stop at the Ritz Music Venue in Raleigh on 05/11/2019. The show was originally scheduled for last year but due to a hurricane that came through NC the show was rescheduled. Shakey Graves is a blues, folk music singer songwriter based out of Texas. His music has a raw and engaging rhythm to it and is unique in itself. You will see by the videos below how great he is live and is voice keeps you wanting to listen more. He brings a raw emotion to his music with his subtle interpretation of the blues and folk. He has a humor about his stage presence that brings the fans in even more to his performance.

When he stepped out on stage the crowd went crazy and started chanting “SHAKEY, SHAKEY!” over and over again. He started off the show with his song “Roll the Bones” which he played beautifully. The fans sang back some of the lyrics to him and he did pause for a moment to smile and take it all in. If you are a fan of Shakey Graves or have not checked out his music then we suggest you do so. If a mixture of folk music with a blend of blues is your style then you won’t be disappointed in Shakey Graves. Check out his website for album information and tour dates.

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