Putting lead singer Dennis Lyxzén's famous stage presence front and center, Refused have released their new single "REV001."

In the music video, directed by the band's own Kristofer Steen, Lyxzén dances his way towards revolution, battling neo-fascists in a bright cabaret of clarity and full of panache. REV001 appears on War Music, which will be released globally via Spinefarm/Search & Destroy on October 18. The song's mix of power, message and outright dance-ability perfectly showcase Refused's talent for enlisting us all in the revolutionary cause — one spin at a time. Featuring Swedish singer/songwriter Mariam The Believer as guest vocalist, "REV001"is a catchy, call-to-arms that promises to get the world moving in 2019. Everything

REV001’ is a protest song. A punk rock song. We like to think of it as incredibly violent pop music. Whatever you call it, we’re hoping it’ll get your blood boiling and that it’ll make you wanna dance (like it does our fearless captain @dennislyxzen in the video), ‘cause what else can one do in these desperate times? Well, we at the bottom could arm ourselves and go for those at the top, while smashing a few banks on the way? We’ll get there. Like we said, these things happen all the time.
— Refused

"45 revolutions playing on the stereo. Not one revolution on the street" — Blitz

WAR MUSIC is out October 18. The album is now available for pre-order HERE.