f28 Covered Skillet during their tour stop in Greensboro NC on March 5th!
Skillet came together back in 1996 in Memphis Tn. Most bands can only dream of being around this long, much less still being immensely popular and relevant, still making great music and touring to adoring fans all over the world, who they seem to truly inspire. Lead Singer and bassist John Cooper along with guitarist/keyboardist Korey Cooper, guitarist Seth Morrison, and drummer/singer Jen Ledger (who also fronts her own band LEDGER) bring an energy and enthusiasm like no one else. This band truly has a unique backstory. Formed at the encouragement of Johns pastor back in the mid 90’s, Skillet’s music would likely not be recognized at first as being a Christian rock by most. But to many of their most loyal fans they are not just Christian rockers but personal inspirations.
So recently on a chilly night in Greensboro NC at Piedmont Music Hall a truly interesting and large group of fans gathered to see a performance that had drawn them there for vastly different reasons. Some for the inspiration that the band’s music and words convey, some because the band authentically has a fun rock and roll vibe and some to see one of the most entertaining and energetic stage shows any band puts on. Not a single person left disappointed or wanting, no matter what had drawn them in to begin with.
Photo by Chip Williams of lead singer of Ledger
Photo by Chip Williams of the lead singer of Ledger
The night kicked off with an upbeat set from LEDGER. Amy Ledger and company set the tone of the evening bouncing around the stage blasting out the upbeat tunes that are filled with Amy’s emotion laden, insightful lyrics. The crowd was feeling every bit of it and was bouncing all over the music hall, in time to each song.
Photo by Chip Williams of the lead singer of From Ashes to New
Photo by Chip Williams of From Ashes to New
Next up was From Ashes to New. If you have never heard or seen this band, you might swear to yourself you were listening to a Linkin Park set. Singers/rappers Danny Case and Matt Brandyberry bounce lyrics back and forth between each other with the same charged up electric emotion and desperate tone that begs you to listen to the message being belted out. At the same time Lance Dowdle wails away with guitar riffs that compliment this lyrical tennis volley. Everything comes crashing to a fever pitch crescendo that absolutely no one who is listening could stand still while listening to. Song after song the energy level grew with no mercy. The crowd took in every note with absolute euphoria, bouncing up and down to the fire breathing rap/rock duo, Dowdles relentless guitar and the perfect drum accompaniment from Mat Madiro. The stage presence of the three guys out front adds the final dash of ghost pepper level heat to their show. All three rushing around the stage, bouncing nonstop, jumping off the risers and constantly encouraging the crowd to try and keep up with them.
These two performances had set the stage perfectly for what the crowd was on edge waiting for…..Skillet!
Photo by Chip Williams
Standing at the very front of the of the 20,000 sq ft venue that can hold close to 2,500 fans, I looked back to see a tidal wave of fans that were pumped up from the two recent performances and busting at the prospect of what was getting ready to happen. There may be no better feeling in the world than that anticipation right before your favorite band takes the stage. We’ve all felt that tingle when the house lights go down and you know you’re only seconds away from being lost in the music you love. What I saw was amazing in the context of what I mentioned earlier. Not just Skillet but in fact all the bands performing on this evening are considered Christian rock, at least by many. The crowd here, both Christian and secular, was so filled with that tense anticipation that you could feel it. It was like the bond that holds atoms together, creating something that’s much larger than just the single atoms themselves. This invisible link was holding each person to the next such that it stretched from the front of the venue to the back and caused the crowd to sway back and forth like one being.
Photo by Chip Williams
As the band members took the stage, the roar went up as expected. The band members faces lit up in response. They seemed genuinely thrilled to see and feel the enthusiasm the fans were giving back to them. Then it happened, the blast off. The moment the crowd, this crowd of such diverse interest, drawn together here for this one thing, had been hanging on the edge for. As the band plunged full throttle into the song “Feel Invincible” the roar of the crowd almost matched the sonic rock and roll avalanche coming from the stage.
For a band that has been performing for almost a quarter of a century, the energy and enthusiasm of a Skillet show is unmatched, even by some 16-year old kid down the road bouncing off the walls of their parents’ garage. John Cooper not only fronts the band as the singer and bassist but brings the energy level and roaring vocals of a 747. He is a showman in every way that term was ever meant to be used. He entertains, energizes, and brings everyone in the room along for the thrill ride. And like that crazy-cool friend we all have, as soon as one ride ends he goes screaming back to be first in line to go all over again with just as much fire in the belly. So as “Feel Invincible” came to an end, the pause was short as John jumped right back into the next rock and roll roller coaster ride. Like the giddy kid at the amusement park, the crowd came right along to jump right on board with their friend for the next go round.
After a very brief pause so the crew could hook up his superhero like CO2 wrist rocket launchers, he was ready to go hard again. This time with an even bigger splash of showmanship in the form of blasting out giant CO2 “smoke” shots from both arms into the crowd as he belted out “You Ain’t Ready” off of last years album “Victorious”, their 10th studio release.
The rest of the evening was very similar to the start, with the energy level never falling off. That’s a tribute to the bands well deserved work ethic and love for putting on great shows for their fans. The only break in the sonic attack came during their acoustic performance of “Stars”, where all the band members gathered at the font of the stage. They all took a seat and serenaded the crowd with a moving and emotionally impactful version of the song. This seemed to reinforce the bond that had joined the crowd to each other and to the band the entire evening. It was an unexpected moment to be sure, but not unappreciated.
After that break the band closed out with more high energy tracks such as “Comatose” and “Monster”, complete with the primal, growling line “Feel like a monster” dubbed in much to everyone’s delight.
As the evening ended and the band left the stage, everyone I saw leaving the venue had a huge smile plastered on their face, a look of satisfaction that seeing good live music can have on you. Skillet seems extremely skilled in being able to bring this out in their fans, no matter their attraction to the band is. Their influence of the other acts in this regard was on display that evening as well. Whether you were there for a Christian rock show inspiration or simply a rocking evening of fun and entertainment, you were bound to walk back out into the chilly night so satisfied you wouldn’t even notice the cold, warmed inside out by the amazing night of music you just experienced.
~ Contributing Editor Chip Williams
Photo by Chip Williams
Photo by Chip Williams
Photo by Chip Williams
Photo by Chip Williams
Photo by Chip Williams