Alexander Stewart brought his ‘the bleeding hearts tour’ to The Atlantis in Washington D.C. on May 16th. Before Stewart got on stage, the room was already electric. The fans were buzzing with excitement, lighting up the room. The energy levels exploded as Alexander took the stage. Immediately reacting with fans, recording on their phones, holding their hands, and dancing with them, Alexander Stewart immediately built a connection with the crowd, keeping the energy going. Singing songs from even five years ago, the whole room was loud, the crowd belting the lyrics back at him. At only 24, Stewart is so talented, but also caring. He touched on mental health many times throughout his show, letting fans know of the resources they can use and also how cared for they are. His entire show was very well rounded with talent and personal connection, I will definitely be keeping up with Alexander to see how he grows and gets even better.

Ricki Wood