On May 10th, The Great Metal Circus Tour made its stop in Greensboro, NC at the Piedmont Hall venue. And man, was it a metal circus! The group to take the stage was Oxymorrons. This was a hip-hop group with a drummer and guitarist. These guys surprised everyone in Piedmont Hall. They had the crowd jumping and having a great time! And their music and lyrics were fantastic and relatable to everyone. After their set, they took the time to shake hands, give everyone there a fist bump, and take photos with whoever wanted to. An absolute way to start the show! The second band to take the stage was Conquer Divide, an all female band. And do not let that swade you in any way, they completely rocked the crowd. With a singer and a screamer, you had to take a step back and just take it all in. They were melodic and heavy! Everyone and their kids were head banging and rocking along with Conquer Divide! They played an energetic set that picked up from Oxymorrons and just added onto the energy for the crowd to be ready for Avatar. Then, the moment everyone was there for...AVATAR!!! Now, if you haven't seen Avatar live yet, you're missing out! They come on stage and the crowd erupts! Avatar knows how to put on a show. From the pyro to light, to the absolute command of the stage, Avatar puts on a show you will never forget. They played the hits to new songs. The crowd sang and headbanged to every word. There's really no way to describe how awesome Avatar is live, but other bands watch Avatar when they are on stage instead of hanging out in the back. At one point I looked into the crowd and the guys from Oxymorons were in the mosh pit with the fans. From the opening song Dance Devil Dance to the last song, Hail the Apocalypse, the crowd was going nonstop, and smiles were held by everyone, even the kids! The next time Avatar is near you, I'm telling you, a must see! And whoever is opening up for them, is going to be awesome as well! 

James Benson