Coverage by Chris Sturk

Clutch, what more do I need to say. I have been listening to Clutch since the early 90’s when their first record called Transnational Speedway League came out in 1993. One of my favorite songs off that album was “A Shogun names Marcus”. I remember driving in my friends beat up Toyota with a car stereo that was hanging out of the actual console and pushing the cassette tape into the player and cranking up the sound. I have had the pleasure of seeing Clutch perform live, as a fan, on four occasions and have gotten to cover them an additional four other times for media. Each performance is always fun and energized as lead singer Neil Fallon runs around the stage like a madman and engages with the crowd every moment he gets. Neil always sounds great and his vocals never waiver off course. The band has been around for 30+ years and can still put on a great show. The band performed at the Ritz to a packed house. Before the show started, I met several Clutch fans who were excited to see the band perform. I saw mothers and fathers bringing their kids to the show so their child could experience Clutch the way they had experienced them when they were younger. Clutch has been a staple in a lot of people’s music collection and continue to grow their audience even 30 years later. I really enjoy seeing Clutch live and hearing some of my favorite songs being performed, I think Clutch was and still is one of the best bands in the world.