On the 25th of April, Greensboro, NC at Hanger 1819, the Cancer Culture Over North America Tour paid a wonderful visit and Hanger 1819 was packed and ready to have a great time. First to take the stage was Allegaeon. And boy, did they set the tone of this tour early. They came and played a set to not just get the crowd warmed up, but to let the crowd know this tour is no joke.

After they were through, Katakylsm took the stage and amped it up more. They got the circle pit going and it was non-stop the entire show. The crowd was engaged, head banging, singing along, rocking out and throwing the metal horns up for the whole show.

Then, the moment everyone was ready for, Decapitated took the stage. The crowd got even louder and was ready to have a great time. From the first to last song, the crowd was engaged, singing along and the circle pit got even bigger. From the moment Decapitated took the stage to when they left, they gave all they had to the packed crowd at Hanger 1819. There was no way you were leaving without an adrenaline rush and a huge smile. You have to catch these guys live while they are in the states!

James Benson