Coverage by James Benson

On the 26th of August, Teen Mortgage came to rock the Ritz. The crowd was cheering as the 2 piece, self described garage punk band, took the stage. I was a bit curious how they were going to sound being a 2 piece, but let me tell you, they did not disappoint. I swear, you close your eyes, you're in England, 60s-70s, the punk movement is in its prime, and I can see Teen Mortgage on those stages, pubs, streets playing alongside the Sex Pistols, The Ramones, and so on. These guys played an awesome set, didn't take much time between songs as they powered through their set. They have a unique sound that is great to hear. They have an energy that takes over the crowd as they play and it stays the entire time. Teen Mortgage is a must see when they come to a town/city near you. Just be ready for a circle pit to form around or near you. I personally can't wait to see them live again. Hope to see ya at the next show!