Blues Traveler LIVE! | 30th Anniversary Tour

I photographed one of my favorite bands from back in the day.  I can't believe I am saying back in the day because I feel like that was yesterday, I am getting old! I started listening to the Blues Traveler in the mid 1990's when I was in high school.  I never got the chance to see them live so when the opportunity came to photograph them I jumped at it.  They are on tour with a band called Los Colognes and they were awesome.  I loved listening to them.  They had this really great vibe and style that just got me moving my head.  I photographed them first then waited for Blues Traveler to come on stage.  Another photographer was with me and she had photographed them several times before.  She gave me a heads up on how John Popper (lead singer) sings on stage.  He pulls his head back when he sings the notes and then puts his head down when not.  This is good to know as a photographer so you can kind of gauge the best times to press the shutter.   Blues Traveler is known for doing some long jam style sessions on stage.  We were given the first 15 minutes of the show to photograph so I had my watch set up to countdown from when we started and buzz me when we have to stop.  Blues Traveler played great and looked like they were having a great time.  John played the crap out of the harmonica and he did such a great job.  I found myself bobbing my head back and forth when I should of been taking pictures! :)  The show was great and it just about sold out at the Ritz venue from what I was told.  If you get a chance defiantly see them live!  Some of the pictures are down below.  Images are copyrighted, to inquire please contact Chris at