Rachel Taylor LIVE!! | He is We with interview!

Rachel Taylor | HE is We

He is We is a lot more about the fans and I and our relationship. Making sure I do right by them and being honest, of course I am true to myself and that won’t be comprimised
— Rachel Taylor | He is We

I got the privilege of sitting down with Rachel Taylor to talk about her music, her writing and the future of He is We.  Rachel is someone that has a gift for writing and creating music that touches a particular nerve with her dedicated fans.  Her lyrics are powerful with a relatable under-toning of emotion that lets her fans and people know that they are not alone.  Rachel tries to be honest in all aspects of her music.  Her latest E.P is the stark truth to that honesty.   Her new E.P called "Hold my Heart" is a heart felt and passionate release of music that brings forth a vulnerable side we have not seen of Rachel until now.  With songs such as "Dear Adam" and "Every other Man" she brings us into some of the  most delicate and heart wrenching experiences of her life.  Her music has always been so powerful to her fans and people in general.  One of the songs that I related to so much is "Hold my Heart".  I felt like she was singing it directly to me and that is the power Rachel has when she writes and records her music.  She shares her stories with you and by her doing that you feel less alone in whatever situation you are in. 

As well as honesty Rachel is very goofy and loves to laugh.  We talked about her music, her new E.P and even joked about Tinder.  Her live performances are unique in the fact that she talks with you and brings you into her world during the songs she performs. I saw a few fans crying when she was singing certain songs. She brings out a beautiful yet vulnerable side to her when she performs, you find yourself engaged in her performance. During two separate songs that were emotionally touching for her to sing, I put my camera down. There are times when photographing a live show or event that you just need to put the camera down and respect the moment for what it is. I saw the crowd just feel these emotions that she was feeling on stage, it was something I had never seen before in a live performance. 
She stay's and talks with fans after the show and brings a quality to the artists and fan experience that you rarely ever see.  Her music has impacted many people in several different ways for the better. 

The new E.P has five brand new songs and was released in April of 2018.  Her album is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and other music websites.  

Click on picture to get your copy.

Interview with Rachel Taylor

I got the chance to interview the one and only Rachel Taylor of He is We and She is We. We talked about her beginnings, how she creates and writes her music and the future of HE is We.