Photo by James Benson
On the 22nd of June, as I'm leaving work like I typically do heading to a concert, I am more than excited to cover this show. I mean, every show is amazing because we have live music back and I was able to cover them for f28, but this night, this one was hard not to "fanboy" out at. I was heading to the DPAC in Durham to cover the one and only, Puscifer! Let me just get this out the way...MAYNARD!!!!!
Ok, now that I got that out of my system, the show was amazing! It's been 6 years since they have toured. The Puscifer STILL really knows how to put on a show and tell a story while doing it.
A screen was down and a video played just before the band went on asking people to not use their phones to record, as any show that Maynard is doing, or they would be taken from their seats and made into spam. And they weren't kidding. (In all seriousness, do not have your phone out recording the show or you will be escorted out). And as they warned, turned into spam. Each member of the band had on a black suit with a white shirt and black tie while wearing sunglasses. Maynard, aka “Dick Merkin”, also wore red lipstick and a black wig with white stripes through it while performing. Right before Puscifer started their second song, an "audience member" was caught using their phone and taken by 3 agents that came to the front of the stage and picked the person up and took them away. They continued on with the show. I'm only going to assume the audience member was turned into Spam. Puscifer played songs from almost every album.
I honestly can't think of anything that could have been better. Everyone was standing during the show, except during the intermissions, which they had 3. The night also consisted of 3 separate acts and during these acts 3 aliens would come out during the songs and walk around the stage pestering the band members. It was quite comical.
The last act, Maynard came out as the character Billy D, and he seemed to be a bit tipsy. Then, sadly, the night ended and everyone stood there, waiting for possibly just one more song. If you ever get a chance to see Puscifer live, DO IT! Or be turned into Spam.
Contributing photographer and editor James Benson
Photo by James Benson
Puscifer Setlist
Bread and Circus
Fake Affront
The Underwhelming
Grey Area
Vagina Mine
The Remedy
Personal Prometheus
A Singularity
The Humbling River
Bullet Train to Iowa
Conditions of My Parole
Photo by James Benson
Photo by James Benson
Photo by James Benson
Photo by James Benson
Photo by James Benson
Photo by James Benson
Photo by James Benson
Photo by James Benson