We got to cover Fozzy during their tour stop in Greensboro at the Cone Denim Entertainment Center on May 16th 2019. Fozzy is a band former WWE champion Chris Jericho helped formed back in 1999. They have released three full length albums. They are currently on tour and doing some dates with the amazing Nita Strauss (concert highlight) who is one of the best guitarist out there today.

Fozzy’s show was very high energy. Chris Jericho was jumping around all over the stage and engaging the crowd after almost every song. The band as a whole sounded great and clear but there was one moment where I heard this strange echo as if another track was playing. I have no idea what that was but it did not interfere with the show. The crowd sang along with almost every single song and chanted “FOZZY, FOZZY!!” over and over again between songs. The band really looked to be enjoying themselves and the crowd was loving every bit of it. They played a mixture of songs including there top radio hits such as “Judas”. The band also had some fans come up to the stage and sing the song “Burn me out” with them. The fans were having an amazing time, you could see the excitement on their faces. Very cool moment to see.

Fans on stage with Fozzy.

Fozzy is a blend of metal and Journey style rock and roll mixed together with a shot of Bourbon. Check out Fozzy’s album down below or go to their website. You will also see links to find out tour dates and when they will arrive in your city. Check them out, it is definitely a good time and the band sounds great live!